
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mexican Chicken Rice

My li'l girl loves Spanish rice and me too. Today I had some leftover chicken so I am making Mexican flavoured Chicken fried rice.  I am going to serve it with some sour cream and heat and eat ReFried beans.

Mexican Chicken Rice (Chicken Fried rice with Mexican flavor)

Mexican Chicken Rice
  1. 2 cups rice cooked according to package directions
  2. 2-3 cups cooked chicken cubed
  3. 1 cup ready made salsa (1 cup finely chopped tomato, 1 green chilly chopped, 2-3 tablespoons lemon juice)
  4. 1/2 cup corn kernels
  5. 1/4 cup chopped onions
  6. 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
  7. 1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)
  8. 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
  9. 2 tablespoons oil
  10. 1/2 red bell pepper chopped fine
  11. 2-3 green onions chopped
  12. 1 tablespoons dried mexican oregano
In a pan heat the oil and fry the onions and the white part of the green onions till tender. Add the garlic and fry for a minute. Add salsa or the ingredients if you don't have salsa and the bell pepper and the corn kernels and chicken and stir to combine. Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Mash the tomatos a little. Add salt, pepper and oregano and stir to combine. Add cooked rice and stir to combine. Reduce heat to medium and cover for 5 minutes. Stir again and add lemon juice if salsa is not tangy enough. Sprinkle with a generous amount of cilantro finely chopped and serve

Monday, August 29, 2011

Chicken in Coconut Gravy

Recently I discovered this program on my local channel called "Simply Ming" and he cooks real simple Chinese flavor dishes. I really like him because his way of cooking is like my brother's cooking. As I mentioned already my brother is an amazing cook and he makes it look really effortless
            Anyway, the dish I made today is from one of his shows and I made some minor changes to it, and even though it doesn't look that great it tastes amazing and it takes a bit of a time to get cooked but the time is well spent. So enjoy

Chicken in Coconut Gravy (Chicken thighs in a simply coconut gravy)
Chicken in Coconut Gravy


  1. 6-8 chicken thighs bone in (with skin or without skin)
  2. 1 tablespoon oil (optional)
  3. 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
  4. 1 jalapeno or 2 serrano chillies finely chopped
  5. 1 can coconut milk
  6. 1 large or two medium sweet potatoes chopped
  7. 1 large red onion sliced
  8. 1 cup chicken broth
  9. 1/2 teaspoon each of salt, fresh ground black pepper
Heat a non-stick pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper on the skin side and place it on the hot pan. Let it get fried for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper on the other side and flip and fry for 5 more minutes. If there is not enough fat in the pan add the oil and if there is too much remove some. Add the onions and fry for 5 minutes. Add garlic and green chillies and fry for a minute. Add the chicken back to the pan and add everything else and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium low and simmer for 30-45 minutes, until chicken gets fully cooked. Serve with hot steamy rice

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Home made bread crumbs and Bread crumb Mava

Home made bread crumbs are one of the best ways to use up old but not mouldy bread. You throw away the bread if it is mouldy, ofcourse.

And the simple but delicious Mava or bread crumb dessert mix I made with these bread crumbs is super simple and super delicious. SO next time you have some old bread try making these

Home Made Bread Crumbs
  1. 6 slices of old wheat or white bread or 4 hot dog buns
Spread the bread on a cookie sheet and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes at 200 degrees. Leave it in the oven to cool. Pulse grind to crumbs. Store in an air tight container in the refrigerator for long life

 Bread Crumbs Mava (Toasted crumbs and coconut mix)

Bread crumbs mava
  1. 2 cups home made bread crumbs
  2. 1/2-3/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
  3. 1/2 cup sugar
  4. 1/4 cup raisins (optional)
  5. 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg or one cardamom pounded
In a pan dry roast the coconut until slightly brown. Take it into a plate and set aside. In the same pan carefully toaste the bread crumbs for about 5 minutes. Add sugar and stir well to combine. Add the rest of the ingredients and the coconut back to the pan and stir well for a minute or two. Let it cool and serve

My grandma used to make such Mava and use it as fillings for sweet samosa. I will make those someday soon

Tomato chutney for Paneer Dosa and Cheese Dosa

Its been a long time that I made dosa and today I am all set to make it. Whenever I make Plain Dosa I always make my favourite Potato Curry to go with it and if I have patience I make some chutney also. Today its the Tomato Chutney's turn.
                     And today I am making Paneer dosa and cheese dosa for the kids

Paneer Dosa (Lentil crepe sprinkled with cottage cheese)
Paneer Dosa

  1. 1 cup peeled black gram (Urad Dal)
  2. 2 cups rice
  3. 3/4 teaspoon salt
  4. 2-3 cups water
  5. oil for frying
  6. 2 tablespoons grated paneer per each dosa
Here is How to make Fresh Paneer
Soak the black grams and rice separately in 3 cups of water over night or for atleast 5 hours. Grind them to a smooth paste and mix with salt and water to get a thin pancake batter consistency. Heat a griddle and add a laddle of batter in the center and spread the with the back of the laddle with a light hand. Add a teaspoon of oil around the edge of the dosa. Fry for 3-4 minutes until the edges turn golden. Turn it and fry for 1 more minute. Sprinkle with the grated paneer mixed with a pinch of red chilly powder for spicyness. Serve as is or with chutneys and curries

Tomato Chutney (Tangy tomato dip)

Tomato chutney
  1. 1 medium small onion chopped
  2. 2 large or 3 medium tomatos chopped
  3. 1/4 cup cilantro chopped
  4. 1/4 cup thick tamarind juice
  5. 3/4 teaspoons salt
  6. 1/4 teaspoon turmeric
  7. 1 serrano chilly chopped
  8. 2 tablespoons oil divided
  9. 1/2 teaspoon each of cumin, urad dal, mustard seeds,
  10. few curry leaves
  11. 2-3 dried red chillies broken
In a pan heat about 11/2 tablespoon oil and fry the onions till tender. add green chillies and fry for a minute. Add tomatoes and cook covered till tender. Add tomato tamarind juice and salt and turmeric and stir to combine. Let it cool. Grind to a coarse paste.
In a pan heat the remaining oil and fry the cumin, urad dal and mustard seeds for a couple of minutes. Add curry leaves and dried red chillies and fry till they start to splutter. Add this to the tomato paste. Serve with idli, dosa or even steamed rice and ghee


Cheese Dosa (Lentil crepe sprinkled with Cheddar cheese)

Cheese Dosa

2 tablespoons of grated cheddar cheese per dosa

Once the dosa gets cooked on both side, sprinkle with cheddar cheese and leave it on the griddle for about 30 minutes or until cheese melts. Let cool a bit before serving. Enjoy

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Anda Pakora aur Gobi Mushroom Pakora

This is one of my favourite road side snacks from the town I grew up in. There used to be a roadside vendor in a "Thela Gaadi" . The Anda pakoda he made was nothing special but the onion mix he used to put on it made it dilectable. I din't make it but I have the recipe for it here and do try it
                And when I want to make Pakoras or Pakodi or Pakoda and am short of Onions I make them with Cabbage and this time round I had fresh mushrooms and I used them too. These Pakoras have a good amount of fiber in it

Anda Pakora (Egg fritters)

Anda Pakora
  1. 4-6 hard boiled eggs peeled
  2. 1 cup besan or chickpea flour
  3. 1/2 teaspoon each of salt, chilly powder, baking soda
  4. 1/4 teaspoon each of turmeric, cumin, Ajwain,
  5. water as needed
  6. Oil for deep frying
Ingredients for topping:
  1. 1/4 cup finely chopped white onions
  2. 1/4 teaspoon each of salt, chilly powder
Cut the eggs into half or quarters as I did and use whole or half eggs if you want to use the topping.
Mix all the ingredients in the list of ingredients except oil and eggs with enough water so as to make a thick batter. Set aside for 5 minutes. heat oil in a frying pan and dip the eggs in the batter and drop them in the oil carefully and fry till golden brown. Serve with ketchup and green chutney
        Mix the ingredients in the toppings in a bowl. Slit the top of an egg pakoda and the egg and fill it up with enough topping and drizzle with fresh lemon juice and serve. This is delicious

Gobi Mushroom Pakora (Cabbage and Mushroom fritters)

Cabbage Mushroom Pakora
  1. 1-11/2 cup thinly sliced cabbage
  2. 1/2-3/4 cup fresh mushrooms sliced
  3. 1-2 cups besan or chickpea flour
  4. 3/4 teaspoon each of salt(or to taste), chilly powder, baking soda
  5. 1/2 teaspoon each of turmeric, cumin, Ajwain,
  6. water as needed
  7. Oil for deep frying
Mix all the ingredients together with as little water as possible to make medium thick batter and set aside for 5 minutes. heat oil in a pan and drop spoonfuls batter and fry till golden brown. Serve hot with tea and chutneys

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hyderabadi Ginger Chicken with Malabar Paratha

Long time ago when I was getting hooked up on the treats available in Hyderabad, one dish that made me crazy was Ginger Chicken. And there was a road side dhaba near my sis-in-law's house and whenever my brother used to go there I used to ask him to get it for me and OMG that was awesome. I never had Ginger chicken which tasted soooooooo delicious in another other hotel or restaurant.
                      I tried making Ginger chicken a lot of times before but still I missed that taste. So today I called my brother who is an amazing cook and asked him how to make this ginger chicken. So with his help I made the dish and it turned out Great with a CAPITAL G
                      I wanted to eat it with Naan but instead I just got frozen Malabar Parathas. I tried making them once but it is too much work and it didn't turn out very good. Better luck next time but today I am eating the frozen parathas

Hyderabadi Ginger Chicken (Chicken in a mildy sweet and spicy ginger gravy)

Ginger Chicken

Frozen Malabar Paratha
  1. About 2 lbs chicken pieces (I used Chicken wings )
  2. 1 big onion or about 2-3 cups ground red onion puree
  3. 1 tablespoons tomato puree
  4. 2-3 inches ginger ground to paste
  5. 1/2-3/4 teaspoon each of salt, chilly powder, cumin, coriander powder, garam masala
  6. Pinch red food color (optional)
  7. 3-4 tablespoons oil
  8. 1 teaspoon thinly sliced ginger pounded
  9. 1 green chilly (or use more for hotter curry)
Ingredients for marinade:
  1. 1 heaped teaspoon ginger garlic paste
  2. 3/4 teaspoon each of salt, chilly powder, turmeric
Wash and pat dry the chicken and marinate it with the ingredients for about 1-2 hours

Heat the oil in a pan and fry the chicken pieces 5 minutes on each side on high heat till you get a nice brown crust. Drain and set aside.
Grind the onion along with ginger and green chilly and cumin. Add this to the hot oil in the pan and fry till all the water get evaporated. Add tomato puree and pounded ginger and all the powder ingredients and stir to combine. Fry for 10 more minutes. Add the chicken back to the pan add 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Simmer till oil separates. garnish with a generous amount of cilantro and serve with any Indian Bread like

Plain roti

Kalonji Roti

Brinjal paneer and Khatti Dal

RI am always on the cook out for new recipes using the available ingredients. Once upon a time I used to love paneer or Cottage Cheese but then I got bored with it and didn't make any dishes with it for the longest time but now again I like it. So pretty much I have it on hand.
                So this is my latest dish with Paneer. Paneer and Eggplant. I also made Khatti Dal to go with it

Brinjal Paneer Curry (Cottage cheese and Eggplant curry

Brinjal Paneer
  1. 2 cups cubed eggplant (use either American or Japanese or Indian Eggplants)
  2. 1 cup cubed paneer
  3. 1/2 cup chopped onions
  4. 1 garlic pod chopped fine
  5. 1 green chilly chopped
  6. 1/2 teaspoon each of cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric, chilly powder (or more to make it spicy)
  7. 3/4 teaspoon salt
  8. 2-3 tablespoons oil
Here is how to make fresh Paneer
In a pan heat 2 tablespoons oil and fry the paneer pieces till they start becoming brown. Drain and set aside. Add more oil if needed and fry onions till tender. Add garlic and green chilly and fry for a minute. Add all the powder ingredients and stir to combine. Add eggplant cover and cook for 10 minute. Add about 1/2 cup water and simmer till the eggplants become pulpy. Add paneer stir to combine and simmer for 5 minutes. Garnish with a generous amount of cilantro and serve with roti or with rice and Khatti Dal

Try these Other Paneer Dishes

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Italian Broad beans with shrimp curry

In the frozen section of the grocery store there are two items I always pick up everytime I go shopping. One is French cut green beans and another is Italian Broad beans. I substitute this Italian broad beans for Indian broad beans sometimes. And today I made thee Italian Broad bean curry with shrimp Indian style. And served it with Kalonji Roti

Italian Broad beans with Shrimp Curry

Italian Broad Beans with Shrimp
  1. 1 package frozen Italian Broad beans thawed 12 oz
  2. 1/2 lb shrimp peeled and deveined
  3. 1 medium onion sliced
  4. 2 tablespoons oil
  5. 1/2 teaspoon each of ginger-garlic paste, turmeric, coriander powder, cumin powder

  6. 3/4 teaspoon each of salt, chilly powder
In a pan heat the oil and fry the onions till tender. Add ginger garlic paste and fry for a couple of minutes. Add all the powdered ingredients and stir well to combine. Add the broad beans and fry for 5 minutes. Cover and cook with a little bit of water till they get tender. Add shrimp stir to combine and cook for 5-7 minutes. Garnish with cilantro and serve with Kalonji Roti 

Sem ki phalli Baingan

I can't believe how long it has been that I had this curry. Long ago when I was a little kid my Daadi Ammi used to plant this in my backyard and in the season we ould have loads of Sem ki Phalli or Chikudu kaaya in Telugu i.e Indian Broad beans and its seeds or the "beeng" were me and my father's favourite.
              Even later on when we moved to another city my mom would make this curry with brinjal and it used to be my favourite. But after coming to USA finding fresh Sem ki Phalli in the Indian stores is a rarity. And this time I did and even though they costed like 4 times that of frozen sem I still got it and definetely there is no surpassing the taste of a fresh veggie over frozen

Sem ki Phalli Baingan (Indian broad beans with eggplant curry)

  1. 1/2-3/4 lb Sem ki Phalli ends removed and cut into 1 inch pieces
  2. 4-5 indian eggplants or about 2 cups cut any eggplant
  3. 1 medium tomato (optional)
  4. 1 medium small onion sliced thin
  5. 2 green chillies slit
  6. 2 tablespoons oil
  7. 3/4 teaspoon each of salt, chilly powder, turmeric
In a pressure cooker heat the oil and fry the onions till tender. Add green chillies and fry for a couple of minutes. Add brinjal or eggplant and tomato if using and fry for 5 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients, 1/4 cup water and cook for 2 whistles or cook in a covered pot for 15-20 minutes until the veggies get cooked. Open the cooker and simmer till excess water evaporates and garnish with cilantro and serve with Any Indian Roti
or serve with Rice and Tomato Rasam

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sukha aalu masaledar aur Tawa Machli Kaddu Khatti dal

It was a busy Sunday and we were out most of the morning and we came home in the afternoon and just slept the whole afternoon. But the time I got back onto my feet and start thinking about dinner it was already 7 PM and I had to whip up a quick, and by quick I mean quick, dinner.
                    The one thing I had on hand was bottle gourd (Hara Kaddu) and ofcourse the ever standby vegetable-the old faithful Mr.Potato. And I had some fish. So the dinner items ready in 30 minutes along with rice in the rice cooker.

Sukha Aalu Masaledar (Shallow fried potatoes with Spices)

Sukha Aalu Masaledar
  1. 2 medium large potatoes peeled and cubed into 1 inch pieces
  2. 1/2 teaspoon each of salt, chilly powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, turmeric, dried mango, chaat masala
  3. 2-3 tablespoons oil
Heat oil in a pan and add the potato pieces and cover and fry till you get a nice golden crust and the potatoes get tender. Add all the powdered ingredients except dried mango and chat masala and fry for 5 minutes. Don't forget to switch on your exhaust.Cut the heat and add mango powder and chaat masala and stir well to combine. Serve as is, as a snack or with rice and dal

Tavva Machili (Pan fried fish with spices)

Tavva Machli
  1. 6 steaks swai or tilapia or any other mild fish
  2. 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  3. 1/2 teaspoon each of ginger-garlic paste, salt, chilly powder, turmeric, coriander powder, cumin powder
  4. oil of shallow frying
Wash and pat dry the fish. Mix all the ingredients except fish and oil in a boil and apply it to both sides of the fish and set aside for 15 minutes. Heat oil in a pan or griddle (tavva) and fry the fish covered 10 minutes-12 minutes on each side on medium heat. Don't touch the fish for these 10-12 minutes. Turn and fry for 10-12 minutes on the other side. Serve as is or with rice

Kaddu Khatti Dal (Lentils and bottle gourd in sour tamarind juice)

Kaddu Khatti Dal
  1. 2 cups bottle gourd pieces
  2. 1 cup toor dal
  3. 1/4 cup chopped onions
  4. 3 cups juice from a small lemon sized tamarind
  5. 1 tablespoons oil
  6. 1/2 teaspoons each of cumin, mustard seeds, chilly powder, turmeric
  7. 1 teaspoon salt
  8. 2 green chillies
  9. few curry leaves
  10. 1 garlic pod chopped
In a pressure cooker cook the dal with kaddu and turmeric and 2 cups water for 3-4 whistles. After the steam escapes, open the cooker and mash the dal a bit. Add tamarind juice and onions and salt and chilly powder and bring to a boil and boil for medium for 10 minutes. In a pan heat the oil and fry the rest of the ingredients and add thie tempering to the dal and boil for 5 more minutes. And serve with hot steaming rice

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ulli Kaaram Beerakaaya (Turai Pyaz wali)

I might have mentioned this before but I am mentioning it again...Turai or Beerakaaya or Ridge Gourd is one of my favourite vegetables. But it has so much water content in it, that it actually makes sense to make it into a soup like some of the other Asian cuisines (Other than Indian Ofcourse) make it. But in India we usually simmer it till that point that its almost dry, nonetheless delicious
                The following recipe is from one of the vegetarian cook books I got from my mom. And this recipe is one of the most flavourful ridge gourd recipe I have ever tasted. Serve it with Roti or with Rice and Coriander Rasam
Ulli Kaaram Beerakaaya (Ridge gourd curry with onions and spices)

  1. 2 large ridge gourd (about 2 lbs) (the ridge gourd I got was super was 2 feet long and weighed in at a whooping 2.12 lbs)
  2. 1 medium onion sliced
  3. 1 teaspoon chilly powder (or reduce to reduce the spicyness)
  4. 1/2 teaspoon each of cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric
  5. 1 teaspoon salt
  6. 2 tablespoons oil
  7. 1 large garlic pod or about 1/4 teaspoon grated gralic
Peel the ridge gourd (and save the peel to make amazing Chutney or Dal )
Give it a taste test (cut a small piece from the ends and chew it, if it is bitter cut about 1 inch piece and discard and repeat. Spit the chewed piece :D  )
Cut the ridge gourd into 2 inch pieces. Sprinkle with salt and set aside for 30 minutes. Squeeze as much water as possible.
In a pan heat the oil and add the onion and fry till tender. Add garlic and fry for a minute. Add all the spices and fry for a couple of minutes. Add the ridge gourd pieces cover and cook till it gets cooked. Simmer till the gravy thickens to your liking. Garnish with cilantro and serve with roti or rice

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tindora moongfali and Turai Chilka dal

Tindora or Kanduri or Dondakaaya or Ivygourd is one of those vegetables which takes forever to cut and prepare for cooking. Ofcourse there is the frozen Tindora but it doesn't even come close in the yummy taste to the fresh Ivygourd cut. And again there are two ways of cuttin it. Into round circles or into vertical julienne cut. My mom was a firm believer in the later and so am I. This fry I made today is the most simple and the most delicious one
              To go with this dry curry and rice I made Dal with Turai or Beerakaaya or Peerkaay or Ridgegourd peel.

Tindora Moongfali Tallan (Ivy Gourd Shallow Fried with ground peanuts)

Dondakaaya Fry
  1. 1/2-3/4 lb Ivy gourd ends cut and julienned into about 6-8 pieces
  2. 3 tablespoons oil
  3. 1/2-3/4 each of teaspoon salt. chilly powder
  4. 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  5. 2 tablespoons peanut powder (recipe follows)
  6. 1/4 teaspoon cumin
Ingredients for peanut powder*:
  1. 1/2 cup peanuts dry roasted
  2. 1 tablespoons sesame seeds dry roasted
  3. 1 teaspoon cumin dry roasted
Grind all the ingredients for peanut powder and set aside
In a pan heat the oil and fry the cumin for 3 minutes. Add the Ivygourd cover and fry for 10-15 minutes. Add the spices and the peanut powder stir to combine, and continue to fry without cover for 5 more minutes. garnish with Cilantro and enjoy

*The peanut powder can be made into a big batch and stored in a air tight container in the refridgerator can used when needed. It gives amazing taste to any fry

Turai Chilka Dal (Ridge gourd peel with lentils in Tamarind juice)

Beerakaaya tokku Pappu
  1. Peel about 2 medium sized ridge gourds (discard the hard peel) save the rest
  2. 1 cup toor dal dry roasted
  3. 3 cups juice from a small lemon sized tamarind
  4. 1 tablespoons oil
  5. 1 garlic chopped fine
  6. 1/2 teaspoon each of cumin, mustard seeds, turmeric
  7. 3 dried red chillies broken
  8. few curry leaves
  9. 1 teaspoon salt
Chop the ridge gourd peel roughly and wash well. In a pressure cooker cook the dal with the peel and turai and 2 cups of water for 4-5 whistles. Let it cool and grind to a fine paste. In a pan heat the oil and add cumin and mustard seeds and dried red chillies and curry leaves for 3 minutes. Add garlic and fry for a couple of more minutes. Add the ground dal and all the other ingredients and bring to a boil. Continue to boil for 10 minutes. Serve

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cilantro meatballs in North African style sauce and Egyptian Palace Bread

I wanted to make meatballs and spagetti but its soooooo old and I didn't want to eat Spagetti nor am I big fan of Penne pasta. So the search began and I ended up on the food network website with melissa-darabian 's north african meatballs recipe and I changed it to my convenience and it turned out to be great.
           I served the meat balls on a simple garlic couscous and the dinner was just finger-licking good.
And I also made Egptian Palace bread as a dessert to complete my north African dinner from one of the website I came across and ofcourse changed it a bit

Cilantro Meatballs (Turkey meatballs with cilantro and spices)
Cilantro meatballs

    1. 1 package ground turkey (1-1/4 lb) thawed
    2. 1 egg
    3. 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro leaves
    4. 1 teaspoon each of minced fresh ginger , cumin powder, salt
    5. 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    6. 1/3 cup finely ground rolled oats or fine bread crumbs (I used 1 package of quaker regular oats ground)
    7. 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Mix all the ingredients together with a light hand and make into 20-24 1 inch balls. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes. Turn midway. Keep warm
North African style Tomato sauce (Marinara sauce with North African touch)
North African style Marinara sauce

  1. 2 tablespoons olive oil
  2. 1/2cup sliced onion,
  3. 1 leek cliced
  4. 2 cloves garlic grated
  5. 1/2 cup pitted and chopped black olives
  6. 1/2 cup Marsala wine
  7. 1/2 cup chicken stock
  8. 1 (14-ounce) can diced tomatoes
  9. 1/2 teaspoon each of dried red pepper flakes, Salt lemon pepper
In a large saucepan heat the olive oil over medium heat and saute the onion, leeks and garlic until soft but not brown. Add olives and cook for 1 more minute. Add the canned tomatoes cover and cook for 5 minutes and mash the tomatoes a little. Add the red pepper flakes and salt. Add the marsala wine, and let it boil for a 1 to 2 minutes. Stir in the stock, simmer for 5 minutes.
         Add the meatballs to the sauce, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Stir occasionally. Serve with pasta or couscous
Garlic Couscous (Simple Couscous with garlic)

Garlic Couscous with raisins
  1. 2 cups couscous
  2. 4 cups chicken stock
  3. 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  4. 2 teaspoons butter or oliveoil
  5. 1/4 cup raisins (optional)
In a pot heat the oil or butter and fry the garlic for a coupld of minutes. Add the raisins and fry for a minute if using. Add the broth and bring to a boil. Cut the heat and add the couscous cover and set aside for 15-20 minutes. Fluff with a fork and serve

Egyptian Palace Bread (Baked sweet white

Egyptian Palace Bread
  1. 8 slices white or wheat bread crust removed
  2. 1/2 cup each of honey, sugar-free pancake syrup (the original recipe calls for 2 cups honey for 10 slices of bread)
Soak the bread pieces in the honey and syrup for 30 minutes. Turn midway
Bake at 300 degrees for 30-40 minutes until the bread becomes crisp. Chill
Serve with heavy cream