
Friday, July 15, 2011

China Grass Pudding

What is China Grass??? Well...It is actually Seaweed. I donno why its called China grass but we used to get it in India from a very long time ago. Cause I remember my mom used to make it when I was a little kid and I loved its texture.
              Again it is also called Agar Agar. And my mom didn't make it like this but I wanted to try this recipe and it is pretty yummy too like what my mom used to make.
            The only difference is I remember my mom only getting a translucent or white colored agar agar but here I find all kinds of Rainbow colors. I today choose to get red. Next time I will get something else. I just love the colors

China Grass Pudding (Agar Agar cooked in milk)

  1. Agar agar dried 10 gm
  2. 4 cups whole milk divided
  3. 1/2 cup sugar or sugar-substitute or to taste
  4. 1 tablespoons rose water
Cut the agar agar into small pieces with a knife or shred by hand. Soak it in a cup of warm milk for 20-30 minutes. Bring the 3 cups milk to boil and simmer till it reduces to about 2 cups. Add sugar and milk and add the agar agar soaked in milk. And stir and keep boiling till all the agar agar melts. Add the flavouring (reduce the quantity if if your rose water is strong) and add a little red food color if your china grass was white. Transfer the milk to a boil and individual boils let it cool and then refrigerate for atleast an hour. Serve as is, or with toasted nuts

Also try
  1. Rice Pongali South Indian style
  2. Eggless ShortBread Cookies
  3. Sweet Indian Bread
  4. Rose Raspberry Pudding


  1. China Grass Pudding, pudding is the original Chinese, I really like.

  2. this looks so delicious and pretty...
    I am much appreciated if you can link this to Event : Agar Agar Recipe Contest
    More recipes are most welcome!!
