
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sem Phalli Baingan Jhinge

Semphalli or Sem ki phalli or Indian broad beans or Chikkudu kaaya in Telugu is one of my favourites and when it has plump seeds in it they are much better. But anyway here in the US of A whatever you find you would have to use.

So, I made this curry with the broad beans and eggplant and shrimp. For a vegetarian version you can just skip the shrimp. Here is the original Sem Phalli and Baingan recipe

Sem Phalli Baingan aur Jhinge (Indian broad beans with eggplant and Shrimp)
Shrimp with Indian broad beans


  1. 1/2-1 lb shrimp peeled and de-veined
  2. 1/4 teaspoon turmeric
  3. The ingredients for the original recipe
Cook the shrimp as it says in Original recipe. Heat the shrimp with the shrimp until they all turn pink. Add the curry to the shrimp and stir to combine. Simmer for 5 minutes and garnish with cilantro and server

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