
Friday, January 9, 2015

Chinese okra soup

Call it the resolution fever or just going with the flow with so many people getting into the diet mode at the beginning of the year, I am deciding to eat/drink more soup . So this is my first soup of the year.

U heard about this soup a long long time ago when I was shopping for Chinese Okra or as it is called in India Ridge gourd. In India most of the recipes with ridge gourd call for cooking it till most/all of the water is evaporated. It is super delicious because of the concentrated flavor, but if you ask me , a bad way to cook a vegetable which has high water content. 

Anyway I made this brothy soup and yum yum even my kids loves it

Ridge gourd soup
Chinese Okra Soup

  1. 1 okra peeled and washed. Cut into 1/8 inch thick semi circles
  2. 1/2 tablespoon butter or olive oil
  3. 1 big or 2 small garlic cloves grated
  4. 2 tablespoons finely sliced onion
  5. 2 cups chicken broth or water
  6. Salt and pepper to taste
  7. Cilantro for garnishing
In a pan heat the oil or butter and fry the onions till translucent. Add garlic and fry for a minute. Add ridge gourd or chinese okra and fry for about 10 minutes until they lose their raw color. Add the broth/ water salt and pepper and simmer for 15 minutes. Garnish with cilantro and enjoy hot

NOTE: If you want enhanced flavor add a tablespoon of cooked chicken or lamb or shrimp finely chopped

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