
Friday, July 11, 2014

Turkey Leg Sandwich

So, there has been a huge gap in blogging my recipes here. Many things have been happening around here. Nonetheless I am back and hopefully I would be adding more recipes here.

Today I made a pulled turkey sandwich and as the name suggests, comes from the turkey leg. And I think the dark meat makes the turkey taste the way it does. Super delicious. The actual recipe I think is a bit different. It is actually from a restaurant called Henry Public in Brooklyn . This was featured in unique eats program .

Turkey Leg Sandwich (Slow cooked turkey leg meat sandwich)

Turkey Leg Sandwich
Turkey leg Sandwich with home made french fried onions

  1. 3 Turkey Legs/drumsticks (1 package)
  2. 1 large yellow onion sliced into half/quarter circles
  3. 2 super large or 4 regular whole garlic cloves
  4. 1/2 tsp. thyme
  5. 1 tablespoon. parsley
  6. 1 cups plain yogurt
  7. 2 cups whole milk
  8. 1 tsp. black pepper
  9. 1 tsp. salt
  10. 1 tsp. paprika
  11. 6 oz. bag of French Fried Onions
  12. pickles to serve
  13. Thick sliced Butter Bread or any other thick bread

Start by seasoning the turkey legs with 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. black pepper and paprika. Brown the turkey legs on sides and then remove from the pan.  Next, add the onions, whole garlic cloves, thyme and parsley inside of the same pan and cook until onions are ‘sweated’.  Now place the turkey legs back into the pan.  Mix the milk, yogurt, 2 tsp. black pepper and remaining salt.  Pour this mixture over the turkey legs and onions.  Cover and allow to cook in a slow cooker for 3 hours
After the turkey legs have cooked through, remove from the pan and begin to coarsely shred the meat.  Meanwhile reduce the liquid mixture and then add the shredded meat back into the liquid. Allow the meat to thoroughly soak up the liquid.  Toast the slices of butter bread and then top with a generous portion of the shredded turkey. Top the turkey with a handful of French fried onions and remaining slice of toasted bread. Serve with a pickle on the side and fries or chips

PS: This time around, I made my own french fried onions but they didn't come out right. Because I forgot to but French's fried onions. 

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