
Friday, January 25, 2013

Sabudaana seviyah kheer

It's been quite long that I made th sabudaana or saagudaana or tapioca kheer. And the other day my girl had a taste if this when we went to an Indian restaurant. She loved it. So on popular demand I made this dish and my girl didn't disappoint me. She ate it happily

Saagudaana semiyah kheer ( tapioca vermicelli pudding)
1. 1/4 cup small sabudaana
2. 1/4 cup fine vermicelli
2. 3 cups milk
4. 1/2 cup sugar
5. Chopped nuts of your choice for garnish
6. 2 cardamom lightly pounded

In a heavy bottomed pot bring to boil 2 cups if water. Add tapioca and boil for 15-20 minutes until tapioca becomes translucent. Add milk and vermicelli and bring to boil again. Boil on medium low heat for 10 minutes. Add cardamom and sugar and mix well till sugar dissolves. Garnish with your choice of nuts and serve

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