
Monday, November 14, 2011

Kacchi imli Machli Khatta

The other day I went to the Indian stores and guess what I found? Probably you can't guess...or may be you did guess right, looking at the heading of this particular blog. I found "Kacchi Imli" i.e fresh Tamarind. I haven't had that in ages. My mom used to make this fish stew with fresh tamarind seldom cause it causes you to catch a cold.   And me and my mom had a tendency to caught cold very easily. But still I loved it.
                    And today for the first time in my life I made this fish stew with fresh tamarind and boy does it bring back memories of my mom's cooking. I miss her!!!
                   Anyway, if ever you get a chance to to buy some fresh tamarind do make this recipe. Its terrific.

Kacchi Imli Machli Khatta ( Mini pomfret stew with fresh tamarind)
Chintakaaya Chapala Pulusu


  1. 6 mini pomfrets (heads off and cleaned)
  2. 1 medium small red onion
  3. 1 inch fresh ginger
  4. 1 big or 2 small garlic
  5. 2 tablespoons oil
  6. 1/3-1/2 lb fresh tamarind (peeled and pitted)
  7. 1/2 teaspoon salt, chilly powder, turmeric, coriander powder, cumin
Grind the onion along with ginger and garlic and cumin to a fine paste. 
In a pressure cooker, pressure cook the tamarind for 4-5 whistles with a cup of water and turmeric.
In a pan heat the oil and add the onion paste and fry for a couple of minutes. Add all the other ingredients and stir well. Add the fish and fry for a few minutes. Mash the tamarind a little and add this juice and pulp to the fish along with one more cup of water and bring to a boil. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add slit green chillies and chopped coriander (cilantro) and simmer further till oil separates. Serve with hot white rice

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