
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bengali Rasgulla from Scratch

When we wanted to eat Rasgulla in India we just go to any sweet stall and we get great rasgulla but here in the USA sometimes they are fresh sometimes not. I have been wanting to eat Rasgulla and I couldn't find them anywhere in the Indian sweet stores here and finally I got a canned Cham Cham (I am not sure what the difference is between chamcham and Rasgulla) but they were a dissapointment. They were so hard in the middle
                    So I want to and got the recipe for Rasgullas form scratch and they turned out to be great. So here is the recipe and if you want to watch the video of how to make it, click on the link above

Fresh Homemade Paneer (Home made Cottage Cheese)
  1. 5 cups whole or 2 percent milk
  2. 2 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
  3. 1 tablespoon water
Mix the water and lemon juice and set aside. Bring the milk to a boil and add the the lemon juice and keep boiling and stirring for a minute. Strain using a cheese cloth. Water the fat in the cloth with with running water to remove the lemon taste. Remove as much water a possible. Use it in your favourite recipes.

Bengali Rasgulla (Fresh cheese balls in sugar syrup)

Homemade Rasgulla
  1. Fresh Cheese or paneer (made above)
  2. 4 cups water
  3. 11/4-11/2 cups cane sugar
  4. a pinch saffron (optional)
Knead the paneer on a clean surface for 5-7 minutes until all of it comes together. Mix the saffron if using. Divide it into 12-14 pieces. (Mind the size because when cooked these balls of cheese will double in size). Apply a little pressure and roll each piece into a ball between your palms
Bring the water and sugar to a boil in a pressure cooker. Add the paneer balls and cover the cooker and cook for 1 whistles. After one minute slowly remove the steam (but lifting the weight of the cooker very slowly...BE VERY CAREFUL). Transfer the rasgullas into a sereving bowl and chill in the refridgerator for atleast 2 hours. Serve your delicious home made Indian desert

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