
Saturday, December 7, 2019

Orange Cranberry Butter Cookies

These are the most delicious and easy to make cookies, I have ever made.  This recipe first appeared int the "Southern Living" magazine. The original recipe called for 1.5 cups of butter. But I used only 1 cup better and the cookies were awesome.

Orange Cranberry Butter Cookies
Orange Cranberry Butter cookies


  1. 1 cup butter softened
  2. 1.5 cup cups powdered sugar
  3. 1 cup dried cranberries chopped
  4. Zest from 2 oranges
  5. 3 cups all purpose flour
  6. sprinkling sugar of your choice color...I choose golden
  7. 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  8. 1/2 teaspoon salt
  9. 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Beat the butter for 2 minutes and add the powdered sugar and mix well. Sift the flour, salt and baking powder and add it into the butter and mix well. Add the cranberries and orange zest and stir to combine. Divide the dough into 2 parts and roll into 2 square logs and wrap in plastic and refridgerate for 2 hrs.

Roll the logs in sprinkling sugar and cut them into 1/4 inch pieces. Heat the oven to 350 degrees.
Set the cookies on a parchment paper and bake for 15 minutes until the edges turn slightly brown.
Cool on a cooling rack and enjoy

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