
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Beignet with peach sauce

Its the weekend and time to make some yummy breakfast. From the past couple of weeks I have been feeling pretty bored with "the usual" breakfasts I make. So yesterday I was searching for something yummy and YAHOO gave me the best idea ever...beignets . It is a French pastry and yahoo had a link to where you can use store bought frozen biscuits and make it into beignets...and yum yum yum my family just gobbled them up. And I made peach sauce to serve them with.

So here is it...Louisiana Beignets with Carolina Peach Sauce 
Beignets with Peach sauce (Fried pastry with Sauce made with peach jam)

  1. 1 box frozen biscuits left in the fridge overnight for thawing
  2. Oil for deep frying
For Peach sauce:
  1. 1 tablespoon your favorite nuts chopped (I used almonds) (You can use walnuts or pecans)
  2. 1 teaspoon butter
  3. 2-3 tablespoons heaped peach jam (I got locally made peach jam...after all I live in the Peach country)
  4. 1/8 cup water
In a sauce pan heat the butter and fry the nuts for 3-5 minutes or until they are crunchy. Add the jam and water and stir and bring to a boil . Your sauce is ready.
Separate the biscuits into individual biscuits and cut it into quarters. Heat the oil to 350 degrees or until a tiny piece of dough added to oil floats to the top. Add 4-6 pieces of biscuit at a time and fry till golden brown, about 2 minutes. Drain and serve with peach sauce

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